Column | Type | Length | Contents |
ID | long integer | | Student ID number |
ActionType | char | 3 | Type of action (always HON) |
ActionID | char | 4 | Action ID |
Description | varchar | 255 | Description of the action (e.g. Dean’s List) |
DispSem | char | 6 | Print semester |
SortSem | char | 6 | Sort semester |
SeqNo | smallint | | Sequence number used when an action is duplicated in one semester |
Comment | varchar | 255 | Comment describing the action type |
SemesterStart | char | 4 | Start date of the semester in which the action occurred (month and day) |
DeanCode | char | 2 | Dean code |
SchCode | char | 1 | School code |
DeptCode | char | 3 | Department code of a course ID to which an action is related |
CourseNo | char | 4 | Course number of a course ID to which an action is related |
Grade | char | 4 | Grade for a course to which an action is related |
MaintDt | datetime | | Last date the record was updated |
LastChgName | char | 45 | Name of last user who updated the record |
OrigDt | datetime | | Date the action was originally created |
RecCode | char | 2 | Record code (HO=Honor) |