Column | Type | Length | Contents |
ID | wuid | | Student ID number |
SortSem | char | 6 | Sort semester |
DispSem | char | 6 | Print semester |
StartDt | datetime | | Semester start date |
EndDt | datetime | | Semester end date |
GPAGradePts | decimal | | Grade points earned in a specific semester |
GPAUnitsAtt | decimal | | Units taken for credit in a specific semester |
CredUnitsEarn | decimal | | Earned units taken for credit in a specific semester |
PfUnitsAtt | decimal | | Pass/fail units attempted in a specific semester |
PfUnitsEarn | decimal | | Pass/fail units earned in a specific semester |
TransUnits | decimal | | Transfer units in a specific semester |
LevelUnits | decimal | | Units in a specific semester that apply toward graduation |
XGPAUnitsAtt | decimal | | Units attempted that are excluded from gpa calculation |
XGPAGradePts | decimal | | Grade points excluded from gpa calculation |
XLevelUnits | decimal | | Attempted units that are not applied toward graduation |
CumGradePts | decimal | | Cumulative grade points |
CumGPAUnitsAtt | decimal | | Cumulative gpa units attempted |
CumUnitsEarn | decimal | | Cumulative units earned |
CumPfUnitsAtt | decimal | | Cumulative pass/fail units attempted |
CumPfUnitsEarn | decimal | | Cumulative pass/fail units earned |
CumTransfUnits | decimal | | Cumulative transfer units |
CumLevelUnits | decimal | | Cumulative units that apply toward graduation |
SemGPA | decimal | | Semester gpa |
CumGPA | decimal | | Cumulative gpa |
CumLevel | char | 1 | Student level (1=1st semester freshman, 2=2nd semester freshman, 3=1st semester sophomore, …, 8=2nd semester senior) |
MaintDt | datetime | | Last date record was updated |
OrigDt | datetime | | Date the record was originally created |
LastChgName | char | 45 | Name of last user who updated the record |