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IDlong int Student ID number
EthnicMixchar10not currently in use
RaceCodechar1Race code
MaritalStatchar1Marital status
BirthDatedatetime Birthdate
FSChildchar1Faculty/Staff child
AlumniCdchar1Alumni code
Citizenchar1Citizenship code
SortSemEntrychar6Semester of entry. SortSemEntry is a SortSem
SemEntrychar6Semester of entry. SemEntry is a DispSem
EnrollStchar1Enrollment status (F=fall freshman, T=fall transfer, X=spring freshman, Y=spring transfer)
FrozenCohortvarchar8Permanent record of an undergraduate’s entry status, captured on the first day of class for entering students. Format is: Enrollment Status + Anticipated Grad Date + Division Code (e.g. FR2020LA is an Arts & Sciences FL2016 freshman)
CCntryCdchar4Country code
VisaTypechar2Visa type
ProfSch1char2Professional school interest code (e.g. PM=pre-med)
ProfSch2char2Professional school interest code (e.g. PM=pre-med)
ParentOccchar6Parent occupation
ProgYrchar1Program year – not currently in use
DateOfDeathdatetime Date of death
AreaIntCdchar7Academic interest codes
DegCandidchar1Flag indicating student is seeking a degree
DegAnticpDtchar4Anticipated graduation date
Localechar1Local (maintained for current full-time freshmen; L=local, N=outside metropolitan area)
ParentIncchar1Code indicating parent income
AreaIntchar18Used for different data by different departments
Veteranchar1Veteran code
DisciplinActionchar1University College flag tied to approval process
Hispanicchar1Flag indicating if a student identified as Hispanic
NativeAmerchar1Flag indicating if a student identified as American Indian or Alaska Native
Asianchar1Flag indicating if a student identified as Asian
Blackchar1Flag indicating if a student identified as Black or African American
HawaiianPacificchar1Flag indicating if a student identified as Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Whitechar1Flag indicating if a student identified as White
NonResAlienchar1Flag indicating if a student identified as Nonresident alien
RaceNotReportedchar1Flag indicating if a student did not report a race
FirstLanguagechar1First Language
DACatSortSemchar1DA Cat Sort Sememester
MaintDtdatetime Last date record was updated
LastChgNamechar46Name of last user who updated the record
IPEDSRaceEthnicitychar41IPEDSRaceEthnicity The National Center for Education Statistics IPEDS definition for grouping a student into one race category