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IDlong int Student ID number
Schchar2Course school code
Deptchar3Course department number (e.g. L01, B66, etc.)
Crschar7Course number
SecTypechar1Section type
DispSemchar6Print semester
SortSemchar6Sort semester
Unitsfloat8Course units
MTGradechar4Mid-term grade
Gradechar4Final grade
ValidGradechar5Valid grade options (A=audit only, AC=audit or letter grade, ACP=audit,letter, or pass/fail, AP=audit or pass/fail, C=letter grade only, CP=letter or pass/fail, P=pass/fail only)
DeanCDchar2Dean code
GradeOptchar1Grade option (e.g. C=credit, A=audit, etc)
DropCdchar1Drop code (D=drop, W=withdraw)
Titlechar100Course Title
SemStartchar4Month and day the semester started
SemEndchar4Drop date
Notifchar4Drop notification date
Enrolledchar1Code indicating enrollment or waitlist (Y=enrolled, Null=waitlist)
WaitDtdatetime Date course was added to the waitlist
OrigDatedatetime Date the course record was created
Maintdatetime Last date record was updated
LastChgNamechar46Name of last user who updated the record
InstrTypechar3Instruction type