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ProgIDint Program ID number
ProgCodechar15Program code (Div Dept Prog, e.g. LA0001)
DiscCodechar7Discipline code
ProgNamevarchar50Program name
HegisCodechar4HEGIS code
GpaReqdecimal Not currently in use
TotUnitsdecimal Not currently in use
SysMajCdchar2Not currently in use
BegDtdatetime Start date of program
EndDtdatetime End date of program
MaintDtdatetime Maintenance date
LastChgIDint ID of last user who updated the record
Divisionchar2Division code
Departmentchar3Department code
AwardLevelvarchar6Code indicating award level
ProgramLevelvarchar6Code indicating program level (U=undergraduate, G=graduate)
ProgramTypevarchar6Used with undergraduate programs, indicates major, minor or SNCD
DisplayNamevarchar50Alternate name of program
DegreeTypevarchar15Abbreviated degree (e.g. B.F.A., M.S.W., A.B.)
FieldOfStudyvarchar50Majors, minors, etc. (e.g. History, Mechanical Engineering)
Languagechar1Diploma language (L=Latin, E=English)
DiplomaNamevarchar70Name of degree printed on diplomas (e.g. Philosophiae Doctoris, Bachelor of Science)
CIP2000char10Classification of Instructional Programs codes (revised 2000)