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IDlong intStudent ID number
SortSemchar6Sort semester
DispSemchar6Print semester
PrimeDivchar2Student’s prime division code
Fnamevarchar20Student’s first name for diploma
Mnamevarchar20Student’s middle name for diploma
Lnamevarchar20Student’s last name for diploma
Suffixvarchar10Student’s suffix for diploma (e.g. Jr. III)
StdtIntentvarchar10Student’s commencement plans (gradonly=graduating but not attending commencement; gradwalk=graduating and attending commencement; walkonly=not graduating but attending commencement)
OSRStatusvarchar10Flag indicating the intent status after review by the Office of Student Records
ProgCommentvarchar100Student’s comments
ProgMissingchar1Not currently in use
Pronunciationvarchar60Student name pronunciation guide
SpecialNamechar1Code indicating special name instructions or characters (Y or N)
WalkingOnlychar1Flag indicating student is not graduating, but is walking in the commencement ceremony (Y or N)
SpringWalkingchar1Not currently in use
CollegeHonorsvarchar10Not currently in use
ProgCodechar6Major program code
ProgNamechar50Program name
StdtProgIntentvarchar10Student’s graduation plans associated with this program (gradnow=graduating this semester; gradlater=graduating in a later semester; close=not intending to complete this program)