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IDint Entity ID number
Typechar1Entity Type (H=human, G=group)
Titlechar5Entity title
LastNamechar25Entity last name
FirstNamechar20Entity first name, also referred to as Name of Record
MiddleNamechar15Entity middle name
Suffixchar5Entity suffix
FamiliarNamechar20Entity familiar name, also referred to as Preferred Name
MaintDtsmalldatatime Last date the record was updated
LastChgNamevarchar46Name of last user who updated the record
OrigDtdatetime Date the entity was originally created
StdtFlagchar1Flag indicating whether the entity is a student (Y=student,N=not a student)
NonStdtFlagchar1Flag indicating whether the entity is not a student (Y=not a student,N=student)
Obsoletechar1Flag indicating whether the entity is obsolete (Y=obsolete, N=not obsolete)
Memovarchar100Explanatory information
TestPersonchar1Flag indicating whether the entity is a test person (Y=test person, Null=not a test person)
Pronunciationvarchar60Entity’s description of how to pronounce their name