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IDwuid Student ID number
AddrTypechar1Address type code
AddressTypechar1Address type description
Seqtinyint Sequence number
EffDtdatetime Effective date
ExpDtdatetime Expiration date
MailToCodeschar6This field is not in use
Namevarchar33Non-student name
Statechar2State abbreviation
Phonechar15Area code and phone number
Boxchar4Campus Box number
UCEmplPaychar1Flag used by University College
RlseAddrchar1Flag to indicate that address may be released (Y=yes, N=no, blank=yes)
RlsePhonechar1Flag to indicate that phone number may be released (Y=yes, N=no, blank=yes)
AddrLn1varchar40Address line 1
AddrLn2varchar40Address line 2
AddrLn3varchar40Address line 3
AddrLn4varchar40The field is not in use
AddrLn5varchar40Foreign city
Countryvarchar34Foreign country
CountryCdchar4Country code
CellPhonechar15Cell phone number
Pagerchar15Pager number
MaintDtdatetime Last date record was updated
LastChgNamechar45ID of last user who updated the record
OrigDtdatetime Date the record was originally created