Student Info Data Dictionary

View nameDescription
crv_bldg_roomBuilding codes, names, rooms and locations
crv_curr_course_attribAttributes assigned to curriculum courses
crv_curriculum_courseHistorical list by semester of all courses included in a school’s curriculum; information from this file is used to prepare school bulletins
crv_deptAcademic department information
crv_instr_secInstructors linked to course sections
crv_scheduleClass days, times and locations
crv_sectionClass section information
crv_sem_course_attribAttributes assigned to semester courses
crv_semesterSemester beginning and ending dates
crv_semester_courseHistorical list by semester of all courses offered in a specific semester
crv_ta_secTAs and support staff associated with semester courses
crv_titleHistorical list of titles assigned to specific course numbers