Column | Type | Length | Contents |
ID | long integer | | Student ID number |
PrimeDiv | char | 2 | Student prime division |
PrimeAcadEntID | int | | Prime div ID number |
JointDiv1 | char | 2 | First joint division |
JointDiv2 | char | 2 | Second joint division |
HoldCt | smallint | | Number of financial holds currently placed against the student |
Bankrupt | char | 1 | Bankruptcy code |
DtLastEnr | datetime | | Date last enrolled |
AdmPDiv | char | 2 | Prime division applied to |
AdmJDiv1 | char | 2 | First joint division applied to |
AdmJDiv2 | char | 2 | Second join division applied t |
DeanFlag | varchar | 255 | Dean flag |
Veteran | char | 1 | Veteran flag |
StdtLevel | char | 1 | Student level (1=1st semester freshman, 2=2nd semester freshman, 3=1st semester sophomore, …, 8=2nd semester senior) |
ActvDt | datetime | | Date of last semester of activity |
PostedFY | char | 4 | Lastest FY info shown in student accounting records |
InfoHold | char | 1 | Code indicating information holds (X=information holds) |
LastUGDt | datetime | | Date of last undergraduate enrollment |
LastUGDiv | char | 2 | Last undergraduate division |
SortPreregPdSem | char | 6 | |
PreregPdSem | char | 6 | |
SortAdmSem | char | 6 | Semester admitted. SortAdmSem is a SortSem. |
AdmSem | char | 6 | Semester admitted. AdmSem is a DispSem. |
MaintDt | datetime | | Last date record was updated |
LastChgName | char | 45 | Name of last user who updated the record |