Column | Type | Length | Contents |
ID | long int | | Student ID number |
SortSem | char | 6 | Sort semester |
DispSem | char | 6 | Print semester |
PrimeDiv | char | 2 | Student’s prime division code |
Fname | varchar | 20 | Student’s first name for diploma |
Mname | varchar | 20 | Student’s middle name for diploma |
Lname | varchar | 20 | Student’s last name for diploma |
Suffix | varchar | 10 | Student’s suffix for diploma (e.g. Jr. III) |
StdtIntent | varchar | 10 | Student’s commencement plans (gradonly=graduating but not attending commencement; gradwalk=graduating and attending commencement; walkonly=not graduating but attending commencement) |
OSRStatus | varchar | 10 | Flag indicating the intent status after review by the Office of Student Records |
OSRMemo | varchar | 200 | |
DivStatus | varchar | 10 | |
DivMemo | varchar | 200 | |
ProgComment | varchar | 100 | Student’s comments |
ProgMissing | char | 1 | Not currently in use |
Pronunciation | varchar | 60 | Student name pronunciation guide |
SpecialName | char | 1 | Code indicating special name instructions or characters (Y or N) |
WalkingOnly | char | 1 | Flag indicating student is not graduating, but is walking in the commencement ceremony (Y or N) |
SpringWalking | char | 1 | Not currently in use |
CollegeHonors | varchar | 10 | Not currently in use |
ProgCode | char | 6 | Major program code |
ProgName | char | 50 | Program name |
StdtProgIntent | varchar | 10 | Student’s graduation plans associated with this program (gradnow=graduating this semester; gradlater=graduating in a later semester; close=not intending to complete this program) |