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c_approvedchar1Flag indicating that the semester course has been approved
c_base_costmoney0Base cost for the course
c_crs_nochar7Course number
c_crs_statuschar3Course status
c_dept_codechar3Course department code
c_desctext Semester course description
c_extra_costmoney0Additional fees and charges for the course
c_hm_crs_nochar7Home course number
c_hm_dept_codechar3Home department code
c_hm_sch_codechar2Home School code
c_home_crschar1Code indicating whether this a home course or an ident (H=home,I=ident)
c_ident_statuschar3Ident Status
c_lab_reqchar1Flag indicating whether a lab is required for this course
c_last_chg_userint0ID number of last person to change the course record
c_rm_auto_schedchar1Flag indicating whether the class is scheduled in a pooled classroom
c_sch_codechar2School code
c_semesterchar6Sort semester
c_sort_semesterchar6Display semester
c_timestampdatetime0Date and time the record was last updated
c_titlechar100Semester course title
c_urlvarchar150Course url
c_valid_gradechar5Grade options valid for the semester course