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There are two types of semester designations in the SIS reporting database: DispSem and SortSem.

The DispSem, short for display semester, is the readable semester that you’ll want in your report output. It consists of a two-character semester code followed by the 4-digit year e.g. FL2007 = Fall 2007.

JIJanuary Intersession
SPSpring Semester
SUSummer Semester
YRYear Semester
FLFall Semester

For reporting purposes, it is often desirable to sort records chronologically by semester and you can’t do that with the display semester. The SortSem or sortable semester was created for that purpose. The SortSem consists of the 4-digit year followed by a two-character code identifying the semester, e.g. 200705 = Fall 2007.

01January Intersession
02Spring Semester
03Summer Semester
04Year Semester
05Fall Semester